Sunday, March 31, 2013

At home, schooling

This week lesson banyak dkt luar. As on Saturday, we were in Jalan Tunku Abdul Rahman and Syakir learnt how to pronounce please and sorrynwhile walking thru the sea of people. Checking colours and fabrics, oppps. Then, Sunday morning we went to the hot air balloon fiesta and he's enjoying the balloons view and bubble. Made him playing with bubble is like giving him thousand sticks or cup of ice-cream. Sugar overloaded and sugar rush.

And the only lesson indoor is playing his train. We made him to attach each of the rail to male his own railway. Don't mess with him, main tak boleh kongsi. We guided him to build his railway. Guide him where to attach and to detach. Yang lain ' Anan acau kir...'

And, tada!!

Oh ya, about the train. It's attached by a magnet to each other. And to amazed, Syakir is learning which is 'attracted' to another and which is 'distract' one another. Paksi menolak n menarik magnet. He laughed out himself looking a cabin of the train moving away without him touching it. 

Ni kos tinggi sket, beli dkt ikea costing about RM50++ but anything for lesson. 

Dot Dot Dot Si Apom

Hujung minggu ni, dok korek balik gambar2 untuk entry yg dah lama bertangguh. so, ini juga dah lama try. Apam polkadot. Gambar bahan pulak lupa nak ambik.

Bahan2 yang digunakan:

3 biji telur
2 cawan tepung gandum (diayak)
1 cawan gula (organic sugar)
1 cawan susu segar
sedikit vanilla paste
1 sudu teh double action baking powder

Saya tak guna ovalette ya sebab takde.


Pukul gula dan tepung sehingga kembang pada kelajuan maksima mixer, adunan tu akan jadi putih so that's the indicator telur dah kembang. Then, boleh masukkan tepung sikit2, jangan lupa slow down the mixer or satu dapur bertabur tepung. Campur susu, vanilla paste dan baking powder, teruskan sehingga adunan sebati. 

So, boleh la bahagikan adunan kepada beberapa bahagian untuk diletakkan pewarna. Dan susun cup dalam bekas yang sesuai, saiz cuppies ikut suka masing2. Masa ni, boleh pasang pengukus untuk dipanaskan.

Oleh kerana kami tak guna filling so isi penuh adunan ke dalam cawan-cawan itu. Hias bahagian atas mengikut kreativiti masing2.

It's best to steam with a single layer, untuk mengelakkan air kukusan dari layer di atas jatuh ke bawah dan spoil the cuppies.

Get a sneak of it.

 Tadaa! Dah siap pun, around 12-15 minutes each. or boleh try cucuk apom tu dgn lidi untuk pastikan apam dah fully done.

Pavlova Yo Yo

Minggu ni turn pavlova pulak di 'eksperimen'kan. Kena try kalau tak xleh nak beli buku masak baru, padah borong dkt BBW last year.


4 biji telur (putih sahaja)
1/2 cawan gula organic (least processed)
1 sudu kecil cuka makan (white vinegar)
1/2 sudu vanilla paste
1 sudu kecil tepung jagung


Mula2 telur putih dipukul dgn mixer berkelajuan paling tinggi sampai separa kembang. 

Kemudian, masukkan gula sedikit demi sedikit tanpa memperlahankan kelajuan mixer. Teruskan memukul sampai kembang. Bila dah kembang betul, meringue akan jadi berkilat and looks foamy. Terbalikkan mangkuk dan ia takkan jatuh. Masa ni, tambahkan tepung jagung, cuka makan dan vanilla paste. Kemudian gaul dengan spatula or senduk, perlahan-lahan dalam 1arah. 

Masa ni dah boleh panaskan oven kepada 150 degree, api bawah ke atas, terpulang. Lorekkan bentuk yang nak guna sebagai base meringue ni.

Ada sikit derhaka sebab guna ramekin. Dah lorek, guna sebelah belakang kertas tu, was2 gak dgn karbon pensel tu. Bentukkan meringue anda.

Dapat dlm 5 base of pavlova. so, bakar dalam oven yang diturunkan kepada 130 degree untuk 1 jam 30 minit or so. Nak tau dah masak, luar akan garing n dalam lembut. Bila dah masuk oven, janganlah rajin lebih dok p belek bukak tutup pintu oven tu ya...

Untuk topping, whipping cream dipukul sampai kental. Kali ni, guna buah mangga and anggur sebagai hiasan.

Bila dah masak, let them cool in the oven first. Bila  dah sejuk, boleh make over the pavlova dengan tepung gomak a.k.a whip cream. Kemudian boleh hias dengan accessories buah2. Memandangkan buah anggur and mangga jer yg ada, pun boleh jugak la..

This gone before i done picking up my laundry at the drying line.

recipe source:

Saturday, March 30, 2013

Cream Puff In The House

Cream Puff last two weeks project. Huhuhu, lambat and procrastinating isn't good ya'll.

Bahan yang kita guna:

Krim Kastard

1/2 cup tepung (tepung gandum boleh, tepung kastard pun boleh)
1/2 cup sugar (organic)
4 kuning telus
3 cawan fresh milk (or any milk desired)
30g butter unsalted
Vanilla paste


Puff Shell:

120g butter unsalted
3/4 cawan air kosong
1 1/3 cawan plain flour (mesti diayak)
5 biji telur

Buat cream custard dulu then only buat shells. Cream custard boleh tahan sehari or dua.


Cream Custard

Dengan whisk, combine tepung dan gula. Tambah 4 kuning telur dan sedikit susu. Kacau sampai sebati dan masukkan baki susu dan vanilla paste.

Letakkan atas dapur dengan api sederhana, kacau sentiasa supaya tak berkerak di bawah. Bila dah makin pekat dan mula berbuih, angkat dari dapur. Masukkan butter dan kacau. Letak dalam bekas bertutup untuk mengelakkan dari berkerak. Simpan dalam peti ais dulu.

Cream Puff Shell

Masukkan butter dan air dalam bekas untuk dicairkan.

Bila dah cair dan sebati, angkat dari dapur dan mula masukkan tepung semua sekali, kacau dengan spoon or spatula.

Kemudian, masukkan telur sedikit demi sedikit dengan dipukul sebati antara telur yang dimasukkan.

Kemudian, boleh la masuk dalam piping bag untuk dibentukkan. Saya takde piping bag so guna sudu jer untuk buat shell puff. untuk cantik nak ada tanduk, guna jer chopstick.

Panaskan oven kepada 210-220 degree, bakar shell untuk 25-30 minit sampai dah naik then turunkan kepada 100 degree untuk 40 minit or more to dry. Allow to cool

source of recipe :

Our Greatest Test ::Part V::

So for this entry, I'll share our experience of handling Syakir for his 2nd operation for stoma closing. After almost 3 months of living with stoma bag at his tummy, finally we've made into decision the date for Syakir for his stoma closing (and end of my leave. oh! i love to be with my baby, seeing him growing up. Alhamdulillah for this opportunities). After few follow-ups, we finally chosen May 10th, 2012 as the date for Syakir's 2nd operation. We were asked to be admitted on May 8th, prior to the surgery date as the paed surgeon in-charge wanted to observe Syakir's condition before the surgery performed.

We reached at Gleneagles around 1500H after we had our lunch. After the admission procedure done, which took a lil longer as we had to wait for a single room, as written in paed surgeon's admission letter. The hospital quite packed dan bilik memang asyik full but we had made prior 'check-in' so memang dah ada bilik cumanya the patient before tak selesai discharge lagi. Lastly, we were given a 2-bed room with a guarantee that no other person will be in. So, as we admitted, Syakir's paed surgeon come to pay him a visit (we pay, she visit, lol).

Syakir having his hydration salt drink as he needed to fast cor at least 12 hours. So from 1800H, Syakir had his last feeding from me, for the time being. Lepas pada tu hydration salt sahaja. At first mcm ok but things got worst bila Syakir nak tidur. He wasn't at ease bila tak dapat feeding. It's really took me down, hearing Syakir nangis nak menyusu and I can't. Puaslah abahnya memujuk and I left the room as we tried to calm him down. But we get him cry even louder. Aduh, so the last resort, i took my wrap and carry him around to comfort and calm him down.

We barely got to sleep as Syakir only calmed down after he got really tired crying his lung out. Tidur dalam 2  jam then bangun lagi. Pujuk lagi till 0300H and he woke up at 0600 when we got himself prepare before we going in the OT at 0800H. We played around and he seems so happy despite the hunger his holding. Kesian asyik nak menyusu. Around 0730H semua dah ready so we pushed the cot to the OT and I hold him. We snapped a pic together before and I brought him into the OT waited till the doctor put him into deep sleep.

Then we went back to our room, get a quick nap, perform Dhuha and recite Yaasin. We waited only few minutes and I can't just stay in the room. We waited at the lounge and around 1100H the nurse called upon us as Syakir has been taken to the rehabilitation area. Not long after, we pushed together the cot he's sleeping in to our room back. Alhamdulillah, no more ICU. As we arrived, abah is already at Ward 4A's door. I know and believe at any moment and everytime I am in need of support, Abah and Mak will always by my side. Syakir was unconscious when we arrived our room. Not longer after, Cik Nuar arrived with Aunty Hanim.

We had some kind of problem with the air-conditioner of the room till we need a stand fan for Syakir to be comfort. Apa lagi, Cik Nuar get us transfered as soon as possible. He went around to complaint regarding the matter and after an hour and a half we moved to a better room. Thank you Cik Nuar.

Syakir was unconscious back then. His small body penuh berselirat wayar, devastating indeed. Felt no strength at all but I knew, I must not showed my sadness and weaknesses in front of him. I burst into tears while looking at him, menangis saya semahunya, airmata keluar macam paip rosak tak boleh tutup. I don't wanna cry but what happened is against what I'm thinking. It took me for awhile, untuk saya menangis sepuasnya and then saya tanamkan azam dalam hati to start and keep smiling once he opened his eyes. This is Syakir after 2 days of operation, ada hati nak bngun dan bermain. It wasn't easy to keep him calm without holding him tight and snuggle. Let alone to keep the tube and wires, mencabar sungguh. But at least, he wasn't warded in ICU.

Syakir mula kentut a day after the operation, Alhamdulillah. He passed his bowel on the second day after the operation, Alhamdulillah. Tapi masa tu, sedih sangat (ibu Syakir ia quite a drama) sebab he seems didn't realized what he did and selalu terkejut bila diproses membuang lampin yang kotor. Oh ya, forgot to mentioned, Syakir terus berkhatan. So nak jaga luka khatan and pada masa yg sama nak avoid luka dari kena najisnya. The first few, all that put is dark black, mcm meconium pulak tgk nya. Dan sgt cair, kesian Syakir as he seems sangat terkejut and terpinga-pinga bila I wash him up. And it happened few times within half day which indicating a great point. He's intestine is doing their work again, greatly. 

Dalam bertiub tu ada hati nak main lagi, so layan jer. Again, he seems so interested with the tube attached to his nose and up into his tummy. Jenuh ibu control tangan dia. Alhamdulillah, after 3 days, his corcumcision scar dah baik n kering. After the fourth, Syakir dah dicabut tubes n wires.

This is how we stole the time, watching barney, upin ipin, sesame street or singing together. We were discharged on May 18th. Alhamdulillah, Syakir showed a rapid recovery and his inner part working and operating well. We were left behind those scars. 

The plaster totally put after 2 weeks and Syakir finally back to school, opps, to nursery in a month after 2nd procedure performed. Will add up some more as this entry being too delayed.

Food For Baby

When talking and discussing about solid food for baby, it's always comes to mommy : What to serve, when to start, how to make it, which the best etc. Simply because, we mothers, wanted only the best to our baby. Tapi, what best to me sometimes isn't the right thing for another mommy and vice versa. What I could say is, try and error, with some reading, guidance and reference. For me, anything and everything I did is an informed decision.

So, what is the best source of food for baby? For 6 months and below, I strictly say, breastmilk. Why? As our baby came into this world, this lil fellow's inner system has yet to fully mature to digest more complicated molecules than breastmilk. It's still in adapting phase jadi STOP GIVING SOLID FOOD (walau bancuh cair2 dalam susu n bagi thru bottle, itu disaster) to baby below 6 months. Kenapa? u need reason mommas? Go n google 'usus bayi pecah' or orang kampung saya sebut 'intussusception'.

After 6 month, breastmilk masih lagi berperanan sebagai punca makanan or sumber nutrien/zat bagi kanak2. I have no doubt memandangkan Rasulullah sendiri menyusu badan sehingga 2 tahun and extended. Islam juga ada menyebut, "Air kencing kanak-kanak lelaki berusia bawah 2 tahun dan yang hanya minum susu ibu adalah najis mukhaffafah iaitu najis ringan yakni cara penyucian cukup sekadar dengan memercikkan aor mutlak ke atas najis itu". Wallahu 'alam

Makanya di situ, boleh jika kita mahu untuk hanya menyusukan anak lelaki (secara eksklusif) dgn hanya susu ibu, provided si ibu wajib menjaga pemakanannya, sumber zat etc sebab anak akan memperoleh zat yang dihasilkan melalui susu. Kalau ibu tak mengamalkan pemakanan seimbang, habis zat2 dari badan ibu digunakan utk hasilkan susu. So go REAL GOOD FOOD always.

How do we supposed to cook our baby's food so that the nutrient remained and not destroyed? Jadi,yang terbaik adalah :
  1. kukus sayur/buah instead of rebus to preserved the nutrient
  2. tidak digalakkan untuk menumis makanan bayi dgn minyak yg banyak. Kalau setakat tumis dgn minyak sedikit sahaja sebab baby jugak perlukan lemak dalam makanan. Few options are olive oil (ini pun akan kita bincang, types of olive oil) or butter.
  3. kalau nak buat puri, buah2 yang lembut boleh dilenyek terus sebelum diberi kepada bayi yang belum pandai mengunyah. kalau buah yang perlu dilembutkan dulu, better to steam it rather than boiled it.
  4. kalau nak bagi anak daging (ayam, lembu or ikan) it's best to rebus, reneh or kukus untuk anak2 bawah 2 tahun. Memanggang dan membakar adalah elok untuk 2 tahun dan ke atas tapi pastikan ianya betul2 masak.
  5. to make thing easy, boleh prepare bahan2 makan dulu dan sejukbekukan. bila nak guna, WAJIB thaw dulu dlm fridge bahagian bawah. Jangan letak dlm rendaman air atau dlm singki. Makanan yang telah thawed, kena habiskan, jgn bekukan semula untuk elak dari pertumbuhan bakteria.
  6. Say NO to gula, garam, kicap apatah lagi perasa untuk anak bawah 1 tahun. Moving forward after a year, boleh try on herbs such as basil, ketumbar, oregano, jintan etc.
  7. Pastikan alatan yg digunakan betul2 bersih, walaupun tidak disteril. Penggunaan bakes untuk tujuan bekalan anak pun kena make sure appropriate nk sustain d temperature and nutrient. Best to use bekas yg tidak menyebabkan tindakbalas kimia such as polisterin and plastik.
  8. Best to use REAL FRESH FOOD. Untuk anak2 selepas setahun dan boleh makan dairy product, boleh introduce yoghurt and fresh milk. As for yoghurt, look for natural, fresh one. Bukan low fat or perisa. Nak tambah perisa? beli buah segar, blend dgn yoghurt, dah boleh yoghurt perisa.
  9. Introducing eggs kena ikut the appropriate steps to prevent allergy reaction.
  10. Semua makanan baru yang nak diperkenalkan, mesti lalu 4-days-wait-rule ya.

Ccourtesy : internet source and FB group.

Friday, March 29, 2013

Dating Time

Today is officially our dating day (exactly, every month we both took one day off-dayand Syakir were left in nursery.) for this month. So, as planned, we sent Syakir to nursery at 0830H before we left home at 0900. Itu dah siap mkn nasik, early lunch gitew.

1st destination is KL untuk supply barang baru, baik punya. Puas pusing, cari border lace bagai, left KL around 12-ish. Ni barangnya, nak nnt boleh adjust time nak tgk, harga affordable, jgn susah hati. Please PM me with interest.

Half moon chiffon
Half moon chiffon 
Digital crepe tanpa batu
Tissabella Digital Print berbatu 
Digital Crepe berbatu 
Cotton Digital 
Tissabella Digital Print berbatu
Then we headed to Plaza Damas to claim prizes (yes, more than 1 prize) that we have won from Babytalk magazine competition. Thank you Babytalk. We won Tollyjoy hamper, stuff from Mattel and Pot of Gold Balm.

Then, we headed to Mutiara Damansara for our movie time. Jauhnya ke sana just for movie. Tapi, today isn't a normal movie theatre, it's Platinum Movie Suite ya'll. We chose 1545H show of G.I.JOE Retaliation. We can get in the theatre an hour earlier, oppps, seems too early. We perform our prayers first and then we waited at the lounge before the movie started. We enjoyed the massage chair prior the movie started, ada free flow drink at the bar, free wifi station and couches to rest.

So, by 1745H we rushed back home to pick Syakir up from nursery.