Sunday, March 24, 2013

Syakir's Learning Activity

Ahad kali ni Syakir spent it at home. Woke early in the morning, had breakfast before heading out to market. Beli buah and sayur for him. So the evening spent with an activity introducing him into colours, counting and segregating stuff. Thank you to my friend (knew her online, met once and she's full of idea) for her Montessori style I am cilok-ing. Cost? RM5 for the clips from Daiso, baking tray ibu and lil patience. Disclaimer: All children must be under adult supervision at all time plus jauh dari TV sikit.

So, he is trying his best to get each cup a different colour. And he started to what the amount of a number (1-5 as for now). Kena kerap ulanf2 so that it'll easily remembered and understood. Our activity last for about 10 minutes before this happen.

Syakir tried to linked the clips up, imitating what abah is doing.

The last picture was the finale of our half an hour activity..Skill tabur.....

courtesy: internet source of how to homeschooling and Montessori activity

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