Thursday, May 23, 2013

Kid's E-World again!

This is 3rd time in this month..We've bought the voucher anyway so we just have fun again! This time we visited their outlet in IPC, Ikano Power Centre, level is just so Oh!sem...

Some of the pros n cons:

  • Least crowd in IPC KEW so I am more happy to let Syakir on his own
  • In IPC, they have 4 sections inclusive of main playground, baby's playground, food corner and party corner. Between those, u need to get out from one section to another. Kalau di The Garden, all in one place.
  • Di IPC, xde toilet, sofa mcm di The Garden
  • IPC have more games and toys. the built-up playground pun berbeza.
  • IPC kurang cahaya banding di The Garden. Dkt The Garden kan ada cermin yg besar di belakang
  • Banyak games utk babies even the crawling babies.
  • Di IPC, mudah nak control sikit anak, as for me.

Conclusion nya, Syakir happy and enjoyed both.. Balik mmg flat dari otw dlm kereta till next morning.

Monday, May 20, 2013


Wow, the longest pending post ever since April, phew.....Just a brief maybe.

This year Great Cloth Diapers Changing a.k.a GCDC 2013 held on April 20th, Syakir birthday!! Thus, we celebrated it by joining the event (2nd time) to support and bring more awareness for environment and the great benefits of using cloth-diapers. 

Memang happening with booths, talks and contests. Cumanya kali ni bukan untuk tujuan memecah rekod Guinness World Book Of Record macam 2012. (wah, Syakir involved in the history made for Malaysia Book of Record and Guinness World Book of Record). So, it's a bit relax and more fun. And this year, Syakir blessed with another birthday present (tahun lepas SSC Hootie Snuggbaby) from Sentuhan Qaseh Bonda (search it in FB ya!) which is a Wrap-Conversion-Ring-Sling from Natibaby oldrose/green. Other than that, let the picture do the talking. And as usual, the organizers doing their job greatly and the goodies bag so worth it..

The participants and organizers

The Cakes, 3 of them

Ini paling best