Sunday, March 10, 2013

Cloth Diapering - Basic To Know About

What is RULE OF THUMB OF CLOTH DIAPERING? I get this and sharing it for all moms who cloth-diapered, intended-to-cloth diaper or no-so-sure-to cloth diapering their baby...

Pretty simple, actually. Here goes :

(1) Knowing how to wash, what to use from prewash to stripwash based on types of cloth diapers (AIO, pocket, prefolds & so on...) Do get to know different type of materials made as well.
(2) Knowing when wearing cloth diapers what is advisable in terms of duration, what not to put and how to store dirty cloth diapers be it at home or away from home for short period of time or long ones especially when traveling.
(3) Knowing your baby's skin condition well,& knowing his / her wetting pattern (medium-wetter, heavy-wetter)
(4) Knowing your own personal needs & requirement and those ie carers what are their needs and requirements when handling cloth diapers.
(5) Knowing how to troubleshoot your cloth diapers when issues does occur. Tapi andai anda tidak memandang remeh no 1-4 makanya no 5 akan jarang berlaku.

Setiap Cloth Diapers yang baru mestilah dibasuh terlebih dahulu untuk menjamin kadar serapan yang lebih baik. Bagaimana caranya? Berbeza mengikut jenis diapers anda.

1. Cover/Shell/Pocket Cd

    Biasa cover/shell ni xperlu pre-wash sebab ia bukan utk menyerap pee. Kalau nak pre-wash jgk just rendam2 dlm air biasa pastu jemur di bwh teduhan, jangan direct sun light.

2. Insert MicroFibre (MF)

     Biasa akan pre-wash sekurang-kurangnya 3X. 1st time dengan sabun yg sedikit bilas dengan air yang banyak & jemur hingga kering. Kali ke2 & ke3 hanya dengan air biasa..pastu leh pakai..=)
 3. Natural Fibre Insert (Bamboo / Hemp / unbleached cotton / organic cotton) dan pre-fold.

Insert jenis-jenis ini perlu diasingkan dengan jenis2 lain sebelum di'prewash' kerana mengandungi minyak dan 'waxes'. boleh prewash dengan air sejuk tapi 10 kali kena prewash, Prewash in hot and rinse in cold. kalau hendak cepat, masak air panas, tuang dalam baldi leps itu rendam insert-insert ini. gosok2 bagi keluar minyak, perah dan sidai. Ulangi proses ini 2x-3x. bila dah guna, utk basuhan biasa boleh dicampurkan dengan insert2 jenis lain (contohnya microfibre) semasa dibasuh.

Lepas dah prewash, anak dah rasmi maka, nest wash dah boleh campur utk basuhan harian.

hemp: kain natural (bukan buatan manusia). dari pokok hemp. pilihan selain cotton dan bamboo..tahan lasak berbanding bamboo. keras sedikit jika tiada campuran fiber lain pada kain. google utk lebih maklumat.

prewash zorb : sekali ngan air bersabun, 2-3 kali selepas itu ngan air tanpa sabun. kalau masih lambat serapan, ulang prewash.

courtesy: internet source, facebook group and from my friends

1 comment:

ateh said...

Letih gak nk hafal tp akan diusahakn jgk..hehe..tq sha..