After 4 nights in ICU and a night in HDU, Syakir was already stable and progress positively, we were transferred in normal ward. Usually at 0700 and 1700 (I don't if any other time happen), Syakir will be clean up. Nurse will clean the tube from his nose, suck the phlegm and clean the stoma. As we had transferred to the normal ward, I will have to do it all by myself hence 3 days prior transfer, I was given some chances to do it under the supervision of the qualified nurse. The most challenging part is when to change the stoma bag. The bag was stick directly to Syakir's delicate skin so it's kinda crucial when to pull it out and to attach the new bag.
As to pull the bag out, I need to ensure the faeces isn't leaking as it might resulting to itchiness and skin irritation, as I was told. And to be as gentle as I could or Syakir will scream of pain. As to attach the bag, I need to make sure I made the hole just fit enough for the stoma, neither too big or the faeces will get to Syakir's skin nor too small and it couldn't fit the stoma nicely. So I used the used sticker made by the paed surgeon as my example. We need few item that provided by the supplier, surely with cost. So I have the experience being Syakir's personal nurse. Mind you, hospital ada specialist nurse handling stoma patient for baby and adult.
Stoma bag |
After the surgery and for about two months, Syakir had to live with this bag to collect his faeces as his colon were cut for most of it, left behind few centimetres at the beginning and few centimetres toward d end (rectum). Appendic pun dah dibuang. Disebabkan colon Syakir yang badly damaged due to delayed procedure and swollen, we had to take a decision to get rid all affected after a discussion with the doctor, weighing the pros and cons as well as being told of short and long term effect. Lagipun, we have so much choice as the colon badly affected dan takut ada jangkitan bakteria kalau dipreserved.
Memandangkan colon Syakir telah dibuang sebahagian di tengah, jadi Dr Zuraidah telah menasihatkan kami dan kami bersetuju, untuk membiarkan usus Syakir 'heal outside' supaya bahagian yang dipotong benar-benar bersedia untuk disambungkan semula. Selama 2 bulan (yang sangat panjang) usus Syakir berada di luar dengan satu bahagian (yang bawah) tidak mengeluarkan apa-apa kecuali cecair lutsinar manakala satu bahagian lagi (bahagian atas) adalah bahagian di mana beg stoma dilekatkan kerana di situlah bahan kumuh pepejal syakir dikeluarkan.
stoma |
Can't thank enough to those whom pay us a visit while we were in the ward. Family; mak, abah, kakde, angah, our aunts n uncles (yang jauh dari Kemaman dan juga di KL), cousins and all. While we were still in ward, my hubby had to back and fro all the way from putrajaya to hospital everyday after working hour(he is already a frequent traveller Putrajaya-Rembau-Putrajaya for work) while I have applied for a long leave till Syakir back to normal which would be after his second operation. Alhamdulillah, after almost two weeks being the resident of Gleneagles Hospital, Syakir was discharged. It was a really good news but at the same time I've got nervous as I would be look after n take care of him all alone during daytime. I wasn't sure if I am good enough or competent to take care of Syakir and his stoma. Fear of infection, fear of discomfort that he might be face, everything came up to my mind.
After assured of being provided sufficient supply of things that we needed; stoma bag, clean water, cotton and all, settle the bill, which amounting of RM 30k+, finally we got home. Hurray! We missed our home, it's such a long two weeks in my whole 27 years of living.
Syakir can't wait to be home |
I will share the experience we've been thru while at home in next entry.
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