So, selalunya bila I carry my baby in my wrap / SSC, I was approached by other mommies asking few typical quest such as 'Where to buy', 'How much this thing is', ' Is my baby comfy in this?', "Baby tak panas ke?' and the list goes down. And some mothers do recommend me to carry my baby facing out, I don't know how to explain but I could only just smile. So, I just wanna share why does facing out carry is not recommended as below:
1. It doesn't support your
baby's leg
Your baby’s legs should be pulled up to at least hip level if not higher. Pastikan lutut anak lebih tinggi dari
punggungnya dan kalau kita tengok dari pandangan belakang, ia akan membentuk
huruf 'M'. Ini memberikan posisi seperti anak duduk di dalam pouch. Untuk
mendapat kedudukan ini, fabrik wrap/base SSC dapat menampung dari lutut ke
lutut bayi iaitu keseluruhan pahanya di dalan kain/carrier.
When your baby is facing
forwards with legs
unsupported, it isn’t that his legs are simply dangling, his spine
and hips are unsupported to and there is simply nowhere for baby to sit.A baby
carrier that supports the legs encourages proper hip development. Front facing
carriers do not support little hips.
2. Makes it tough for the
wearer to carry the baby- It’s much harder to
carry something that curves away from your body than something that embraces
your body. The wearer has an awkward load and often ends up arching her back to
compensate. Babies bodies are naturally adapted to
being carried facing you. In short, anda akan mudah mendapat sakit belakang dan
pinggang. Ini kerana ia melawan hukum graviti; anda perlu membengkokkan sedikit
badan ke belakang (secara anda tidak sedari) bagi menampung berat dan tekanan
yang anda hadapi.
3. Places your baby in an arched or hollow back
position which places pressure on the
spine- With
no leg support and facing out this baby is unstable, forcing him to assume a
hollow back position (as shown with red line in the picture below)
to compensate.
Extending the back (bayangkan anda
bangun tidur dan mengeliat), is not injurious or “bad” in and of itself. Tetapi
masalah timbul apabila anda menekan “hollow back” berkenaan dengan
bebanan. Placing an infant in a front facing carrier stretches the
naturally convex rounded curve (see infant spinal development) of his spine into a hollow
back position. With nothing to cling to, weak abdominal muscles, and retracted
shoulders, the infant’s pelvis tilts backwards and is forced to not only carry
weight of his own body but also to absorb the force of every step
that the carrying individual takes- all on his little compromised spine.
4. Memberikan
tekanan yang tidak wajar ke atas pangkal paha dan boleh mencengkam bahagian
pada paha bayi - This
baby is leaning on his dad for some extra support. Although it stabilizes him,
it is less than ideal to spend the day transported in this position. Chaffing
is no fun. Being suspended by your baby’s most sensitive parts is not
ideal, especially for little boys. Bayangkan (lebih-lebih lagi kepada lelaki)
jika anda digantung dengan hanya sokongan di celah kelangkang anda. Bukan
sesuatu yang anda inginkan dan menggembirakan.
5. May overstimulate your baby-
Babies can face their parents and
still experience the world around them and take it in at their own pace.
It is very easy for a small infant to become overwhelmed.
6. Doesn’t support
the head or the neck-
Positional asphyxia berkemungkinan terjadi apabila bayi with no neck control
and their chin falls toward their chests. Little babies should never be
placed in a position that can compromise their
airways. The US Consumer Products Safety Commission recently
passed a law that the warning labels of forward facing carriers must state that
babies should not face out until adequate head/neck control is achieved.
7. Makes thermoregulation more
difficult- The flexed position a baby assumes
on his mother’s chest is more efficient at conserving heat than chest exposed.
Check out kangaroo care and thermoregulation benefits. The baby also has more fat cells (insulation) on its back
side than front.
9. Throws off the baby’s
center of gravity- Most often the wearer will
intuitively stick out her pointer fingers for the baby to grab on to and
stabilize himself or the wearer will try to support the baby’s legs by lifting
them up in the front. With no seat and nothing to grab on to in front of him it
is tough for baby not to arch his back under the weight of his own body.
10. May not be so
wonderful on your back either-
Carrying a load with an arched spine
will give you an aching lower back. Carrying your baby facing forward is not
the best option. It’s not “cruel”, but it’s not ideal either.
Embracing your baby, or having them embrace you (like when you’re backin’ the
baby) is what your baby is adapted to do and quite naturally the way to go.
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