It's approx. 8 days before Ramadhan comes, InsyaAllah and Alhamdulillah...And for most breastfeeding mothers, the most thought of going thru a month fasting is 'How would my supply be?', 'What supplement shall I start taking' and d list of Qs goes on..
I've posted before on macam mana susu terhasil for u to refer, something about breastfeeding.. I am totally understood as I've went thru 2 Ramadhan while breastfeeding my junior superhero, the first Ramadhan he was only 4 months old while the second Ramadhan, he was 16 months old. Alhamdulillah we've been thru ups and downs of breastfeeding journey, siapa cakap menyusukan ini mudah namun ianya bukan sesuatu yg mustahil..
Before I went thru the 1st Ramadhan while nursing him, I went to almost every talk, seminar or classes on Breastfeeding during Ramadhan, read almost every mags or book that having the same topics and not to forget, bloghopping / facebook grouphopping..It's not a simple thing but it's fun to do..
So, humbly here, I would more than happy and love to share the experience I've been thru 26 months of breastfeeding, 2 times of Ramadhan and the breastfeeding still stay strong till now..
1. Mind-setting
Saya suka nak mulakan apa2 pun dgn mind-setting, apart from niat la. Niat + mind-setting = keberhasilan tindakan. Positive mind-setting is noteworthy in setting goals and achieving targets. Kalau mula-mula dah pk, "isy, nnt ada susu ke?", "susu merudum tak kalau puasa", 'Nnt baby tak cukup zat" and the list goes on, macam mana kita nak kuat n tabah in facing thru a month fasting while pregnant / breastfeeding / pregnant + breastfeed.
Jadi, mula dari saat ini, tanamkan SEGALA yang positif dalam diri. STOP fikirkan negatif. JANGAN compare diri kita dgn org lain kalau kita tak dapat nak terimanya dgn positif. Saya adalah saya n anda tetap diri anda.
STOP fikir:
1. susu takde
2. susu sikit
3. susu tak cukup zat
4. susu tak pekat
5. bla bla bla
ingat macam mana susu terhasil? baca sini dulu and selebihnya adalah dari Allah jua. Dia menciptakan kita sempurna untuk menyusukan, Dia menciptakan bayi kita sesuai dengan kelebihan pada ibunya maka Dia jugalah penentu rezeki untuk kita, bukan kerana makan supplement itu and minum goncangan ini. Wallahu'alam.
2. Pumping
Satu supplement saya untuk susu yang cukup supply, POWER-PUMPING. It does sounds cliche but it is true indeed. Alhamdulillah, I never took any supplement, synthetic food while I breastfeed my baby for the whole 27 months. Alhamdulillah, Subhanallah, terima kasih atas kemudahan yg telah saya dapat ni. so, tak salam untuk saya berkongsi. Ilmu tu tidakla banyak, setitis air di lautan cuma secubit pengalaman sahaja.
Masa Ramadhan, saya makin kerapkan mengepam (masa first year, anak 4 months saya pakai pump manual ya) dengan selang masa 2/3 jam. ambil dalam 30 minit atau 45 minit for both breast (atau ikut kesesuaian masa). Tipulah kalau saya kata xjatuh stok, for the first week tu mmg terasa. Yelah, dah biasa diteguk air xkira masa, cukup time makan. so bila ramadhan, badan pun pelik; pam time sama tp kenapa takde air masuk. tapi Alhamdulillah, the 2nd till end of Ramadhan masih boleh buat stok. s
Siang selalunya saya buat 3 sesi waktu siang tapi Ramadhan jadi 4/5 sesi. Masuk kerja 8 pagi, so before hantar anak ke nursery, saya susukan dia dulu sebelah n pump sebelah (double pump la tu jugak tapi non-freestyle la). Itu considered 1st sesi, di ofis jam 9.30-10.00 pagi mesti dah start for 2nd session. Then 12.30 -1.00 pm start another session. 3 - 3.30 pm start the 4rd. Then pukul 5, balik susukan dulu anak sebelum start preparing menu iftar.
1st session : 7.00 am
2nd session : 9.30 am
3rd session : 12.30 pm
4th session : 3.00 pm
5th session : 5.30pm
This is considering you managed to pump at ur station, while doing ur work. kalau tak dapat, adjust la masa. Jangan sampai mengganggu kerja hakiki di ofis sudah la. Masa tu Allah bagi memang cukup, kita yg buat dia bg lapang or sesak..
Malam pulak, anak saya jenis tidur paling lewat 8.30pm (Alhamdulillah Ya Rabb) so dlm 10.30 dia akan bngun semula untuk feeding. Then dalam 12.30 n 2.30am lagi. so for this time of feeding, saya power pumping n tandem pumping. masa dia menyusu, saya tandem pumping. bila dia dah stop latching, saya teruskan mengepam for power pumping. maka sesi power-pumping saya adalah 2x.
Bangun untuk sahur jam 4.00, pum dulu sekejap. insyaAllah, di mana ada kemahuan di situ ada jalan.
3. Water
Drink a lot of plain/warm water to make sure u weren't dehydrated while fasting and nursing your baby. It's important for breast-feeding moms to stay hydrated what more if you are fasting. Be sure to
drink sufficiently during sahur, after iftar and during nighttime, preferably before you feel thirsty, and to drink more
if your urine appears dark yellow.
The Institute of Medicine
(IOM) notes that the median amount of fluids typically consumed by
breastfeeding mothers is 3.1 liters (13 cups), compared to 2.2 liters/9
cups for non-pregnant/lactating women and 2.3 liters/10 cups for
pregnant women. Tapi bila kita berpuasa maka keperluan adalah lebih untuk menampung keperluan semasa siang hari.
IOM - “Given the extreme variability in water needs that are not
solely based on differences in metabolism, but also in environmental
conditions and activity, there is not a single level of water intake
that would ensure adequate hydration and optimal health for half of all
apparently healthy persons in all environmental conditions… the AI
[Adequate Intake] does not represent a requirement; it is an amount that
should meet the needs of almost everyone in the specific life stage
group under the conditions described.”
Have a glass of water nearby when you breast-feed your baby at night — or aim to
drink as much as u can glasses of water or other liquids half of your non-fasting-time-of-the-day. Be wary of juices and sugary drinks, too much sugar can
contribute to weight gain — or sabotage your efforts to lose pregnancy
Too much caffeine can be troublesome, too. Limit yourself to no more
than 2 to 3 cups (16 to 24 ounces) of caffeinated drinks a day. Caffeine
in your breast milk might agitate your baby or interfere with your
baby's sleep.
Quoting Nancy Mohrbacher’s Breastfeeding Made Simple (2010) notes, “Contrary to popular belief, drinking more fluids is not associated with greater milk production.” while in Nutrition During Lactation,
IOM summarizes: “It is widely assumed that milk production requires
a high fluid intake on the part of the mother, yet the evidence
suggests that lactating women can tolerate a considerable amount of
water restriction and that supplemental fluids have little effect on
milk volume… thirst may sometimes function too slowly to prevention
dehydration among women with high fluid losses resulting from exercise
or high ambient temperature (experienced by many women without air
conditioning in the summer). Thus, careful attention to adequacy of
fluid intake is warranted in such situations, but under most conditions
there appears to be no justification for emphasizing high fluid intake
as a way to improve milk production.”
Tapi, bagi mak-mak yang mnegalami bengkak susu, cuba untuk mengurangkan terlebihbekal (oversupply) susu ibu atau cuba bercerai susu - kajian mendapati bahawa pengurangan jumlah air / cecair yang diambil sebenarnya tidak memberi kesan secara langsung kepada pengurangan bengkak susu atau penurunan hasil susu. Remember the Demand vs Supply law of breastmilk production?
Selain itu, dengan memastikan pengambilan air secara optimum akan mengelakkan ibu-ibu yang menyusukan bayi dan berpuasa dapat mengelakkan beberapa perkara lain lagi iaitu :
a. pening kepala / sakit kepala
b. sembelit
c. dry mouth
d. dark urine
e. lemah otot
InsyaAllah, setiap yang dibuat, niatkan dengan baik dan Allah pasti akan melorongkan kepada apa yang terbaik buat kita..
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