Sunday, April 7, 2013

Creepy Durian Crepe

Memandangkan oven minggu agak tidak keruan, timing knob berhenti sendiri half way baking so this week experiment tak yah guna oven. Cuba buat durian crepe lak. Tajuk tu saja ja kasik suspense. Tapi nak mencari watak utama dlm projek ni sampai ke equine kami melangkah.


2 cawan tepung gandum
2 cawan susu segar (ada resepi guna santa so terpulang)
2 biji telur
1 sudu besar butter
esen vanilla
whipping cream
pewarna kuning (nak guna warna apa pun boleh)

Cara2 nya:

1. Pukul dulu telur dalam mangkuk asing.
2. Campur tepung, susu, telur, vanilla essence dalam blender (kalau blender ada sisa bahan pedas, boleh juga guna mixer)
3. Siap blend, tapis adunan kita dulu untuk dapatkan bancuhan yg halus mulus. tapi tak nak tapis pun mak ok jer.. model penapis adalah seperti di bawah, hehehe...

4. Then, letak sikit pewarna pilihan dan gaul rata.

5. Kemudian, bolehlah teruskan dengan acara melenggang atas non-stick pan. Macam buat kuih ketayap..

6. Let the crepe to cool down first. At this time, boleh la whip the cream till it's whipped (sampai kental)

7. Bila crepe dah sejuk, bolehlah kita mula assemble our crepe with the filling.

8. Final result, so keep refrigerated at least half an hour or so for a better taste.

Disclaimer : 

Do not assemble the crepe while it is still hot or your whipped cream will melt.
The best crepe is a thin crepe so it's easy to fold.
Keep it refrigerated after assemble so the cream will be at it's best condition.
Whip the cream after you done with your crepe so they don't to wait long a melt.

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