Pregnancy Week 27
Now that 27 weeks pregnant fears are about labour and become a mother creeping up. The fears—of delivery, failure as a parent, changing lives and relationships, finances, pain, and more—are all common. Talking and writing about them in a journal can help. And sharing them with partner (who is undoubtedly feeling some of the same fears) can aid both as both works through these challenging times.
All about You
As baby bump expands, few growing pains experienced: skin may itch as it stretches. Meals may be smaller, but you may want to eat more often as stomach has less room. Heartburn and indigestion can be frequent as stomach is pushed up closer to oesophagus. And the added baby weight puts pressure on the bladder, meaning more frequent visits the bathroom often.
If you're terrified by the idea of labour, you're not alone. Maybe you worry you won't know you're going into labour, that the pain will be too intense, or that you'll have an emergency C-section. These concerns are normal, but by learning more about what scares you, you'll feel better about delivery day.
Worried about knowing you're in labour: In the weeks leading up to your baby's birth you may feel Braxton Hicks contractions regularly. These false contractions, which feel like a tightening in the abdomen, give your uterus a slight workout. Once you slow down, put your feet up, and have a glass of water these contractions usually subside.
There's a helpful method to figure out whether your contractions are false or labour-inducing. Touch your finger to your nose—feel the resistance? Now put your finger on your forehead. It feels tighter, harder. The difference in touch between the two is like the difference between Braxton Hicks and real contractions. Your forehead is like real contractions, tight and hard, explains Dr. Camann, whereas your nose is still hard but slightly squishy, as with false contractions.
Braxton Hicks contractions may make you nervous, but they're normal. Let your healthcare provider know the frequency of any false labour pains. Keep in mind that as you get closer to your due date, your healthcare provider will be able to evaluate whether you may go into labour sooner than expected. Your appointments, once monthly, will now be biweekly—and later, weekly.
There are plenty of women who have gone to the hospital thinking they're in labour, only to have the contractions stop. If you have any concerns or doubts, call your healthcare provider.
Worried about the pain of labour: Concerned labour will be painful? Many women are. There several options when it comes to pain management on delivery day. Now is the time to talk to the healthcare provider about the birth plan. A birth plan is simply what’s in mind for delivery. Type up a document to give to the healthcare provider or go over to the preferences in the doctor's office. Before you prepare this plan, discuss with your healthcare provider what pain medications may interest you.
By preparing a birth plan and understanding the options, you should feel better about pain you may experience during childbirth. Remember that you may change your mind once in labour: maybe you'll decide to go without medications; maybe you'll choose stronger pain medications than you planned on.
Taking childbirth classes may also ease a bit labour fears. Once you have a good understanding of what will happen on delivery day you won't have to be anxious about any surprises—you'll know what to expect.
Worried your baby will have problems: Your fear of labour might be tied into worries your baby may have problems, or your delivery will be fraught with complications. While there are no guarantees everything with your delivery will go smoothly, complications are the exception, not the rule, reminds Dr. Camann.
All about Baby
Baby's lungs and brain are beginning to mature. Although she’d / he'd have a good chance of survival if she / he were born now, she / he could use a few more weeks of growing. Added layers of fat are continuing to form. These layers will help the baby regulate her / his temperature once outside the womb and help keep her / him warm.
Remember to count your foetal movements. Every foetus has its most active times (and often it's late at night when you are trying to catch a few zzzzs!). During his active periods, your baby should move 10 times an hour. Choose an hour, and mark each movement on a piece of paper. If your baby hasn't moved 10 times, drink some juice and count again for another hour. You should call your doctor if the baby hasn't moved at least ten times during any two-hour stretch.
Your little one weighs just less than 2 pounds now and stretches out to a little over 14 inches (crown to heel). He’s / she’s about the size of an eggplant.
Multiple Madness
Fear of Labour and Other Delivery Unknowns
The fear of labour is nothing more than fear of the unknown. You simply don't know how your labour will play out until you're experiencing it. For many women, this is a hard fact to swallow. We want to know exactly what's going to happen so that we can plan for the exact play-by-play that will occur from the moment we enter the hospital until the moment we exit. Unfortunately, that's not possible. However, by educating yourself as best you can beforehand in terms of what to expect with a vaginal delivery, a C-section, and/or a NICU stay for the babies, you'll feel more in control no matter the outcome
But labour and delivery is an area in which no one knows exactly what will transpire. You must let go of your need for control and order and simply go with it. It's a fitting initiation into the world of parenting multiples!
One thing most women expecting multiples know for sure is that they will deliver in an operating room. Many already know they will deliver via C-section for one reason or another. Be sure to ask whatever questions arise at any point in the process. Talk to your spouse or delivery partner in advance to ensure that he or she is prepared to be an advocate for you as well. There is no such thing as a 'dumb' question no matter how many times a nurse or doctor has been involved with a delivery. This is your experience, and it's important for you to feel confident each step of the way.
For Your Partner
Attending birthing classes and taking a hospital tour are two important things you can do to get ready for the birth of your baby. Knowledge is power, and the more you know the better.
Classes will help you understand the process of labour and delivery (and how you can best help your partner during childbirth), familiarize yourself with the facility where your little one will be born, and get an idea of what Baby will be like the first few hours of life and beyond.
Are you nervous about the actual birth? Many men are. Classes can help you prepare for seeing your partner in pain and give you tips on how to personally manage the stress of watching a medical procedure. While some men may joke that pregnant life is always about women and babies, when it comes to giving birth it really is. You'll need to work through your anxieties or fears now so that you can help fulfil the needs of your partner and child during birth.
You hope the labour and delivery will go smoothly, but just in case it doesn't, you'll need to act as an advocate for your partner and baby. For some men, this can be surprisingly stressful. For the first time, you may feel torn by the needs of your partner and the needs of a new baby. Balancing out these emotions takes time. Being aware of and prepared for this possibility can help you manage these feelings more comfortably.
Take the time now to discuss with your partner how you feel about labor and delivery, your partner, your baby-to-be, and your new role as a father. Doing so while you're both calm and clear-headed can make a big difference when the time comes for Baby to arrive.
Fun Fact
According to the National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS), birth rates in the United States appear to be going up. In 2007, the most recent year data is available, there were 4,317,119 live births. That's more than 51,000 more births than the previous year. What's interesting about the increasing birth rate is that, in previous years, birth rates had been going down. Compare 2006 with 1996 when the NCHS reported pregnancies were "at their lowest rate since 1976."
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