Wednesday, June 23, 2010


it's been 3 days cant reach to da net world!! at last, today i got to the public library of Jelebu in Pekan Klawang..did some research plus surfing...missed this all tp kena harungi jugak sumer ni for another 12 days...
the day we left..

hurm, wht shall i say?? about my parent, they are sweet n wonderful...running business of 'salai ikan' had gave me the new experience of life..pagi2 kul 0800 turun g kedai, siang ikan n get prepared to salai...

kl ikutkan, byk laie nk eden kobar dkt kawan2 eden sumo ni tp nnt la..dtg kek sini kono buek kajian, bukan dtg kosong, den buek kajian dulu la yoo...

Monday, June 21, 2010

word of the day

Main Entry: stead·fast

Pronunciation: ˈsted-ˌfast also -fəst

Function: adjective

Etymology: Middle English stedefast, from Old English stedefæst, from stede + fæst fixed, fast

Date: before 12th century

1 a : firmly fixed in place : immovable b : not subject to change {the steadfast doctrine of original sin — Ellen Glasgow}
2 : firm in belief, determination, or adherence : loyal {her followers have remained steadfast}

synonyms see faithful

stead·fast·ly adverb

stead·fast·ness \-ˌfas(t)-nəs, -fəs(t)-\ noun


♥ Jelebu♥

It's almost 12 yet my eyes still wide-opened. Still with my cafeworld, bakinglife and fashion world...wondering is, wud there any broadband coverage??anyway, i'd pray for the best...hope i cud update more...

Saturday, June 19, 2010

House to Rent / Rumah untuk Disewa

Do u need a house immediately around Kajang, Putrajaya, Cyberjaya, Bangi?? Get us now for further information!!!

Contact direct owner : Mr Sarizuan Sarif (019-9873973)

NEW Apartment:
Level 15, Block C, Sri Ixora 11,
Seksyen 7, Bandar Baru Bangi,

Monthly Rent : RM 1200
Bedroom : 3
Bathroom : 2
Type : Apartment
Size : 1028 sq.ft.
Furnished : Partially Furnished
Facilities : Mini Market, Covered Parking, Playground, Jogging Track, 24 Hour Security, Cable TV.

Design and Additional Facilities:
Grilled at the all doors and every windows
Separated yard and balcony
Luxurious 16 inch tiles for dining, living, and all bedroom
Semi D Design with “Hidden Kitchen” concept
Kitchen Cabinet with Hood & Hob
2 Water-heater point provided
1 Unit Air-cond point (master bedroom)
24 Hour Security
Mini Market, Laundry and Kindergarten within gated compound.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

word of the day

pas·sé – 2 entry found

Main Entry: pas·sé

Pronunciation: \pa-ˈsā\

Function: adjective

Etymology: French, from past participle of passer

Date: 1775

1 : past one's prime
2 a : outmoded b : behind the times


Pronunciation: \ˌpas-pər-ˈtü, -ˌpär-\

Function: noun

Etymology: French, from passe partout pass everywhere

Date: 1675

1 : master key
2 a : 5mat b : a method of framing in which a picture, a mat, a glass, and a back (as of cardboard) are held together by strips of paper or cloth pasted over the edges
3 : a strong paper gummed on one side and used especially for mounting pictures

::Puding Di Raja::

Puding Raja ("Royal Pudding") is a traditional Pahang Malay dish taken as an appetizer or dessert and is easy to make. This particular pudding was a specialty from the region of Pekan, Pahang. The basic ingredients are pisang lemak manis (bananas from the area), prune, cherries and cashew nuts. Jala mas (golden threads) which were made from egg yolks were then put on top to dress it up. The sauce is usually served cold to finish.

In the state of Pahang, this popular delicacy (sometimes also known as "Puding DiRaja") can be found in some restaurants and food-stalls in the royal town of Pekan.

A favourite appetizer or dessert taken by local folks with their evening tea, this calory-filled cuisine is also normally served during traditional Malay weddings and festivals.

Puding Raja is not so much a pudding as a simple dish of bananas with a sauce or gravy of made from milk and corn flour.

"Pisang lemak manis", which is a sweet and rather small type of local banana is usually used as the main ingredient, although other banana varieties are also used.

To add variety and to give a sweeter taste to the dish, other fruits like prunes, cherries and sometimes dates, are also added. A special sweet noodle-like traditional Malay delicacy called "jala emas" is also (when available) sometimes added on the bananas.

As mentioned, Puding Raja is quite easy and fast to make, and takes about 10 – 15 minutes to be ready for serving as special afternoon tea accompaniments for the husband or family, especially during the week-ends.


5 – 10 pieces of (not too ripe) bananas (pisang lemak manis preferable)

5 or more pieces of prunes

5 or more pieces of red cherries


1 litre of milk

2 tablespoons of condensed milk

1 teaspoon corn flour

1 egg (beaten softly)

125 ml water


1. Fry the bananas in cooking oil (just a short while in low heat) until they turn a little dark yellowish (not fried). Then take them out and put aside on a plate. If available, spread the "jala mas" on top of the bananas.

2. The sauce or gravy ingredients are blended and mixed together and then boiled in a pot. Stir them well while cooking until the sauce becomes a little thick.


1. Let the sauce or gravy cool before pouring them on the bananas and other fruits. Ready to serve.

2. Eat as much as you like and add some more!!


Saturday, June 12, 2010

word of the day

Main Entry: dev·as·tate

Pronunciation: ˈde-və-ˌstāt

Function: transitive verb

Inflected Form(s): dev·as·tat·ed; dev·as·tat·ing

Etymology: Latin devastatus, past participle of devastare, from de- + vastare to lay waste — more at waste

Date: 1638

1 : to bring to ruin or desolation by violent action (a country devastated by war)
2 : to reduce to chaos, disorder, or helplessness : overwhelm (devastated by grief - her wisecrack devastated the class)

synonyms : ravage

dev·as·tat·ing·ly \-ˌstā-tiŋ-lē\ adverb

dev·as·ta·tion \ˌde-və-ˈstā-shən\ noun

dev·as·tat·ive \ˈde-və-ˌstā-tiv\ adjective

dev·as·ta·tor \-ˌstā-tər\ noun


Top List Phrases Shakespeare's

2: In a Pickle

What it means: in a jam; in a difficult or unpleasant situation

How Shakespeare used it:

In The Tempest, King Alonso asks his jester, Trinculo, "How camest thou in this pickle?" And the drunk Trinculo – who has indeed gotten into trouble – responds "I have been in such a pickle since I saw you last ..." (Act 5, Scene 1)

One theory has it that the phrase in a pickle entered English from an old Dutch expression that translates as something like "sit in the pickle," i.e., get stuck in the brining solution used to make pickles.

Shakespeare is probably also playing on the fact that alcohol, which is sometimes used in the pickling process, has certainly contributed to the pickle Trinculo is in.

Modern example:

"Has the NYT got itself into a pickle over digital editions on Kindle and iPad?" — adamhodgkin on Twitter, May 6, 2010

Thursday, June 10, 2010


It's May 31st, 2010 0644. The day that had been a turning point in my frens' n my life...Our beloved friend, sheema wahid telah dijemput Ilahi utk bertemu dengan-Nya. Hanya doa yang mampu kami kirimkan buat penemanmu, sahabat...

::Pusat Latihan Tempur Tentera Darat::

Our 2nd physical training is in Ulu Tiram, the most awaited yet freakening training most of us..
tp mcm mana pun, halangan perlu dilalui...hari2 yg sukar tidak akan berakhir, hanya mereka yg tabah sahaja yg mampu melaluinya...
n azab di kubur adalah benar, azab di Pulada juga adalah benar..
anyhow, i guess most of us r really enjoying while undergo the training there...besarlah kerugiannya bagi tidak merasainya...
kl anda bukan tentera, dpt kah anda rasai :
1. memegang dan menembak menggunakan M16 (kecuali u r the terrorist)
2. memegang styles, menembak dgn GPMG, be a 'sniper'
3. merangkak d bawah duri kawat dgn bedilan 'bom' beserta air n GPMG di atas kepala?
4. mendaki Gunung Panti (gazetted as Army's training area)
5. the 0.1% of real life of army???
6. a lot more in Pulada tht u cud never imagine...

the oven the kitchen
perangkap flaming the fire
the dogs
singing in 3 tonnes truck

the GPMG Gunung Panti

RMKe-10: Intipati ucapan pembentangan PM


*Dasar penggajian pekerja asing akan diperkemas dengan kadar levi berbeza mengikut nisbah pekerja asing kepada jumlah pekerja dalam syarikat dan berbeza mengikut tahap kemahiran. Kadar yang lebih tinggi akan dikenakan bagi pekerja kurang mahir dan akan akan ditingkatkan setiap tahun.

*Talent Corporation akan ditubuhkan oleh kerajaan bagi menarik dan mengekal modal insan berkemahiran yang diperlukan termasuk rakyat Malaysia yang berkemahiran tinggi.

*Talent Corporation akan menyediakan Rangka Tindakan Modal Insan Berkemahiran dengan kerjasama sektor awam dan swasta dan menjadi pusat sehenti bagi memudahkan urusan dengan agensi-agensi kerajaan yang berkaitan, termasuk urusan imigresen bagi kemasukan tenaga kerja mahir ke Malaysia.

*Perancangan strategik dan terurus bagi mewujudkan kawasan bandar mampat dan efisien dan suasana kehidupan yang menarik dan nyaman.

*Pembinaan sepanjang 6,300 kilometer jalan berturap di Semenanjung Malaysia, 2,500 kilometer di Sabah dan 2,800 kilometer di Sarawak yang akan memberi faedah kepada 3.3 juta penduduk.

*Liputan bekalan air luar bandar yang lebih berkualiti dengan sasaran liputan sebanyak 99 peratus di Semenanjung Malaysia, 98 peratus di Sabah dan 95 peratus di Sarawak.

*Kemudahan elektrik di kawasan luar bandar akan diperluaskan untuk meliputi penyambungan bekalannya ke 6,000 buah rumah di Semenanjung Malaysia, 59,000 di Sabah dan 76,000 di Sarawak.

*Pelaksanaan projek mega Mass Rapid Transit berkapasiti tinggi di Greater Kuala Lumpur meliputi kawasan dalam lingkungan 20 km dari pusat bandar dan melibatkan pembinaan landasan lebih kurang 150 km yang membolehkan dua juta perjalanan penumpang sehari berbanding dengan 480,000 perjalanan penumpang sistem pengangkutan bandar masa kini.

*Meningkatkan peratus penggunaan pengangkutan awam dengan ketara di Greater Kuala Lumpur daripada 12 peratus pada tahun 2009 kepada 30 peratus pada tahun 2015.

*Sistem pengangkutan awam darat akan diperluaskan kepada bandar raya lain, iaitu sistem Bas Rapid Transit akan diperkenalkan di Wilayah Iskandar, Johor, dan jumlah bas awam akan ditambah sebanyak 200 di Pulau Pinang untuk menampung 26 laluan dengan penambahan kapasiti sebanyak 75,000 penumpang sehari.

*Pembinaan lapan hospital, termasuk hospital-hospital pakar, 197 buah klinik dan juga tambahan 50 klinik 1Malaysia akan disiapkan dalam tempoh separuh pertama RMKe-10.

*78,000 buah rumah mampu milik akan dibina di bawah RMKe-10.

*Dana RM500 juta bagi membiayai kerja-kerja baik pulih dan penyelenggaraan rumah mampu milik awam mahupun swasta berdasarkan perkongsian 50-50 kerajaan dengan pengurusan atau persatuan penduduk rumah berkenaan.

KUALA LUMPUR: Bagi melaksanakan program pembangunan RMKe-10, kerajaan akan menyediakan siling peruntukan sebanyak RM230 bilion bagi perbelanjaan pembangunan.

Untuk tujuan ini, sebanyak 55 peratus akan diagihkan kepada sektor ekonomi, 30 peratus kepada sektor sosial, 10 peratus kepada sektor keselamatan dan 5 peratus kepada sektor pentadbiran am.

RMK10 : June 10, 2010

Memetik ucapan YAB Dato' Seri PM:

RMKe-10 – 10 Premis Utama

Sesungguhnya tumpuan mentransformasi negara ke arah mencapai Wawasan 2020 memerlukan kepada penekanan yang khusus dan menyeluruh. Seluruh tenaga dan fikiran perlu digembleng ke arah mencapai objektif ini. Rancangan ini digagaskan daripada 10 idea besar yang kini diterjemahkan sebagai 10 premis utama seperti berikut:

Pertama: Memacu ekonomi domestik dengan kepekaan persekitaran luar negara.

Kedua: Memanfaatkan dan menuas faktor kepelbagaian etnik sebagai satu elemen kejayaan di arena antarabangsa.

Ketiga: Mentransformasi negara ke arah pendapatan tinggi menerusi pengkhususan.

Keempat: Menjayakan pertumbuhan dipacu oleh produktiviti dan inovasi.

Kelima: Memupuk, menarik dan mengekalkan modal insan unggul.

Keenam: Memastikan peluang yang saksama dan melindungi golongan mudah terjejas

Ketujuh: Pertumbuhan bertumpu dan pembangunan inklusif. Kelapan: Menyokong perkongsian pintar yang efektif.

Kesembilan: Menghargai khazanah alam sekitar.

Kesepuluh: Kerajaan umpama syarikat yang berdaya saing.

RMKe-10 – Lima Teras Strategik

Dalam menerajui hala tuju bagi mencapai aspirasi RMKe-10, lima teras strategik utama telah dikenalpasti ke arah mencapai objektif serta sasaran yang telah ditetapkan dalam Rancangan ini. Lima teras tersebut adalah seperti berikut:

Pertama: Menggubah falsafah dan pendekatan Kerajaan ke arah mentransformasikan Malaysia dengan metodologi NKRA;

Kedua: Mewujudkan persekitaran kondusif bagi menggerakkan pertumbuhan ekonomi;

Ketiga: Menuju ke arah pembangunan sosioekonomi secara inklusif;

Keempat: Membangun dan mengekalkan modal insan bertaraf dunia; dan

Kelima: Mewujudkan persekitaran kondusif ke arah mempertingkatkan kualiti hidup

Rujukan sumber :

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

30 May 2010

it was the day i was left all alone at home..precisely, after I sent my hubby to Malacca for his program darl, watch out before u cud make any arrangement of ur program over the weekend...
anyway, I was all bored staying home thus I've made this as a sign of rebel...(shud i say so??)

a while

it's been almost a week left my blog...

wht hv i done for this 4 days, precisely...bax to my home schweet home on Friday, we spent our weekend wonderfully...

5 Jun - Desa Pinggiran Putra

Congrats to my cousin, Aishah for her wedding.

5 Jun (evening) - lepak-ing time!!

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Sakura Aishiiteru

after a week-long class on event management, April 2nd is the day for us, Sidang B DPA 1/2010 to practice wht we've learn...the theme chose is Japanese nite n the title is Sakura Aishiiteru...
a lot of things we've faced n learnt from the jz a technical person...

proudly present, a amateurly made by me for the show..hehehe

thx to all for the co-operation n supports towards each other...