Friday, January 29, 2010
it's oni 0735 n here i am, start blogging after 2 days neglected....:)
owh yeah, blogging from my beloved's house, urm... i mean, my parents house in penang..n my fever still not recovering...owh, schnnaapppp...
yeay!! flew bax to penang last nite for my cuzzie's wedding!!!
gosh, it's like bax-to-bax ceremony.started with my solemnization on Oct last year, shikin's (cuzzie) solemnization, my reception on Nov n her reception the next week n now her youngest sister is getting married...urm well, not getting married but got married (they'd tied the knot last nite, Friday Dec 29)
owh, not to be forgotten, already received my wedding album....fabulously gorgeous!!!oppsss, by that, i mean the artwork...the bride n groom??ngehngehngeh....
thx a lot to hakim (
i'll shall share it some in here then..till then....
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
titanic momento
word of the day
Main Entry: 3lie
Function: verb
Inflected Form(s): lied; ly·ing \ˈlī-iŋ\
Etymology: Middle English, from Old English lēogan; akin to Old High German liogan to lie, Old Church Slavic lŭgati
Date: before 12th century
intransitive verb 1 : to make an untrue statement with intent to deceive
2 : to create a false or misleading impression
-source :
Monday, January 25, 2010
~ Belangsukawa ~
Within 72 hours, we've lost two great man, the late Sultan Iskandar ibni Almarhum Sultan Ismail on Friday, Jan 22 2010 at 1908 in Puteri Specialist Hospital and laid to rest at Royal Mausoleum on the next day. Merafak takziah kepada ahli keluarga kepada Sultanah Johor, Sultanah Zanariah Tunku Ahmad, anakanda-anakanda serta kaum kerabat diraja Johor. Semoga roh Almarhum senantiasa diberkati dan dicucuri rahmat dari Allah.
And on Sunday 1948 Jan 24, we lost another great man, a former Home Minister Tun Mohd Ghazali Shafie passed away in his sleep after performing Maghrib prayer and laid to rest at Masjid Negara after Zohor prayer. He was a permanent adviser for Cobbold Commision (Suruhanjaya Cobbold - untuk penyatuan Sabah dan Sarawak dengan Tanah Melayu) and served as Information Minister in 1970 as well as Foreign Minister and Special Duties Minister in the era of Tun Abdul Razak.
:: Al-Fatihah ::
Sunday, January 24, 2010
..:: Never Knew I Needed ::..
For The Way You Changed My Plans
For Being The Perfect Distraction
For The Way You Took The Idea That I Have
Of Everything That I Wanted To Have
And Made Me See There Was Something Missing
For The Ending Of My First Begin
And For The Rare And Unexpected Friend
For The Way You're Something That I Never Choose
But At The Same Time Something I Don't Wanna Lose
And Never Wanna Be Without Ever Again
You're The Best Thing I Never Knew I Needed
So When You Were Here I Had No Idea
You're The Best Thing I Never Knew I Needed
So Now It's So Clear I Need You Here Always
My Accidental Happily (Ever After)
The Way You Slime And How You Comfort Me (With Your Laughter)
I Must Admit You Were Not A Part Of My Book
But Now If You Open It Up And Take A Look
You're The Beginning And The End Of Every Chapter
You're The Best Thing I Never Knew I Needed
So When You Were Here I Had No Idea
You're The Best Thing I Never Knew I Needed (That I Needed)
So Now It's So Clear I Need You Here Always
Who'd Knew That I'd Be Here (Who'd Knew That I'd Be Here)
So Unexpectedly (So Unexpectedly)
Undeniablely Happy
Said With You Right Here, Right Here Next To Me
Girl You're The..
You're The Best Thing I Never Knew I Needed (Said I Needed)
So When You Were Here I Had No Idea
You're The Best Thing I Never Knew I Needed (Needed)
So Now It's So Clear I Need You Here Always
Baby Baby
Now It's So Clear I Need You Here Always
::It's already written::

Abdullah Khairul Azzam – 28 tahun- pemuda tampan dan cerdas dari sebuah desa di Jawa Tengah. Dari kecil, Azzam sudah terlihat sebagai anak yang sangat baik budi pekertinya. Atas usahanya yang gigih dia berhasil memperoleh biasiswa untuk belajar di Al Azhar Mesir.
Baru setahun di Kairo dan menjadi mahasiswa cemerlang dan dikurniakan pangkat Jayyid Jiddan (Lulus dengan Sempurna), ayahnya meninggal dunia. Sebagai anak sulung, Azzam harus bertanggungjawab atas kehidupan keluarganya. Sementara itu, dia sendiri harus menyelesaikan pelajarannya. Akhirnya dia membahagikan waktu untuk belajar dan mencari nafkah. Dia mula membuat tempe dan bakso yang ia pasarkan di Kairo. Azzam menjadi popular kerana kemahirannya memasak. Namun, Azzam terpaksa mengambil masa selama 9 tahun untuk menyelesaikan kuliahnya.
Selepas 9 tahun di perantauan dan menamatkan pengajiannya, Azzam kembali ke kampung dan segera mencari jodoh di sana, memenuhi amanat ibunya. Namun, kecemerlangan di dalam pelajaran tidak menjamin kemudahan dalam segala hal di dunia. Manusia telah ditetapkan berpasang-pasangan sejak di Loh Mahfuz. Terbukti Azzam akhirnya menikah dengan wanita yang dia dambakan, Anna Althafunnisa, walaupun cuba dijodohkan dengan puluhan wanita. Setelah dipinang sahabatnya sendiri dan pernikahannya kandas. Begitulah perancangan jika sudah menjadi ketetapan Ilahi, jika ditetapkan milik kita akan tetap menjadi milik kita, jika tidak walaupun sudah sekuat tenaga mempertahankan juga tidak akan menjadi milik kita.
Jan 24th
5 ekor ikan bawal putih
daun sup
Friday, January 22, 2010
:: nu hobby ::
till then ya'll